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About Hotdog-opolis


We took our collective talents and launched Hotdog-Opolis to introduce true encased meat Chicago style to the loyal and soon to be loyal fans near the Boca Raton area as well as the many unique Vienna® Beef Ltd. products and a well thought out sampling of exotic sausages as well.We look forward to welcoming you to Hotdog-Opolis and appreciate your feedback and thoughts to always "make every day a picnic!


How do we share this discovery with the uninitiated Northeasterners now relocated to South Florida?They all think that hotdogs with sauerkraut are the best it can get......no waaaaaaay!!!And those poor transplanted Chicagoans...they are forlorn without their Maxwell St. Polish, Vienna Beef dogs "dragged through the garden" and Wunderbars!


Anyone who has had a Chicago dog knows the recipe is precise.

  • Steam a poppy seed bun until soft

  • Take an all beef dog and steam it providing a distinctive "snap" when bitten.

  • Zig-zag on some yellow mustard

  • Add neon-green pickle relish

  • Add fresh chopped white onions

  • Insert two tomato wedges between the dog and it's bun

  • Slip a kosher dill pickle in

  • Add celery salt

  • Never Ever Add Ketchup

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Chicago-style dogs trace their root to the "Depression Sandwich" popular down on historic Maxwell Street during the 1930's. Patrons were quickly hooked and the Chicago Dog grew into today's phenomenon. The Chicago area boasts more hot dog restaurants than McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger Kings combined. Many "hot dog stands" serve other items including sausages, gyros, and Italian beef sandwiches.